EELS School’s cultural program has been shown to create solidarity and meaning and inspire commitment and productivity. Where the students’ cultures are clearly established and they can keep up their positive features, and move forward and flourish more easily. Cultural programs are the foundation on which changes to classrooms can occur so that students can better develop protective behaviors and resilience.EELS School we encourage students who are talented in writing poetry or short stories to participate in the competition organized by the school. Rewards and presents are awarded to the winners and outstanding ones. Cultural program is run under the supervision of the head of the Arabic and English Departments. Students participate in the morning broadcast



EELS School’s art programs will occupy students in projects that develop their imagination and creativity. It will give the students innovative ways to express their ideas in forms of paintings, sculptures, and mixed media, it will also help them reflect their personality. Art programs is directed by experienced teachers who, with the help of students, decorate classrooms, corridors and the playground..

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Although academic benefits are not prominently developed from art integration into the curriculum, researchers have found that students’ self-esteem and self-confidence is affected by it. If students have a strong sense of self-confidence instilled in them from learning with arts, then their stronger self-confidence will affect their academic performance in other, “more crucial” parts of the curriculum.

Field Trips

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It is of intense importance to get students out of their desks and away from their books, and to give them direct, vivid, sensory experience with the world around them. Our view, at EELS School, field trips give students the opportunity to make observations and have experiences not accessible to them in the classroom, but directly related to the crucial knowledge being taught in the classroom.

During the academic year we plan many trips for our students; to allow them to change the routine and explore their energy and their own education through set of eyes. Our planned educational trips help students get thrilled about learning and provide them with the opportunities for experimental knowledge.