
School Rules and Regulations

knowtherul> All pupils attend the saluting of the flag at the beginning of the school day (     juniors & middles senior at 7:45 am )
> School uniforms is worn at all times of the school day
> No jeweler is to be worn in school except small earrings and a watch not too expensive ,Nail polish for girls is strictly forbidden , and No make up
> Blue or white ribbon to be used to hold back long hair
> It is the responsibility of each pupil to be present in the classroom ready for the lesson before the arrival of the teacher
> Any pupil coming late to any lesson will be counted absent for that lesson
> Any pupil who is late or comes after the first lesson will be counted absent for the day
> It is the responsibility of each pupil to move quickly and quietly and quietly round the school when going to a practical lesson outside his / her class room
> It is the responsibility of all pupils to bring to school each day text books exercise books writing material required on the timetable
> Homework must be done and given in regularly for correction
> If the pupil has a P. E lesson on one of the days of the week . he / she should come to school in the P.E uniform for any health problem preventing him from the P.E lesson a letter from the parent is required & accordingly will be examined by the school doctor
> Any pupil feeling unwell must go to the dispensary after obtaining  a written permission from the subject teacher


Messages for Students :

If you need to get an important message to your child during school hours you should call the head Office prior to 12:00 pm with your message the office will in turn tell your child the message


If students need to phone home, it is allowed only for emergency reasons they must get a written permission from the headmaster, they will be asked about the reason and if it is not convincing they will not be given the permission to call home with the purpose of leaving school early except in the case of illness or other emergencies


Parent teacher conferences :

Parents are always welcome to visit the school to discuss the welfare of their children and their academic achievements all staff members will be ready to meet the parents of their students twice year

Among the points that parents can discuss with the staff are the children’s academic achievements. Behavior, homework activities and other school performance. Points such as curriculum and choice of books are not for discussion since they are an integrated part of school policy. The allocation of teacher is also part of the school policy, in case an emergency arises and a parent needs to visit the school to meet a teacher we strongly insist on getting an appointment before visit the school. We will arrange the meeting according to the teacher’s timetable


Health Information : 

Immunization Requirements

All students enrolled at EELS must provide proof of immunization to attend school. Documentation of required immunization. must include month , day , and year the immunizations were given and be on file in the health office of the school building of attendance before student will be allowed to start school , parents have the right to refuse school immunizations for their children in writing

What should you do when your child is absent?
If your child is absent , you should notify the school by 9:00 calling the main office
If your child is absent for one or tow days , your child should call a friend who is in the same class to inquire about the work or assignments he / she missed your child must

What should you do when your child is absent?

  • If your child is absent , you should notify the school by 9:00 calling the main office
  • If your child is absent for one or two days , your child should call a friend who is in the same class to inquire about the work or assignments he / she missed your child must do his / her best to turn in any missing assignments as soon as possible
  • if your child is absent for three days or more you may call the Office and request homework assignments . in order to allow teachers sufficient time to compile homework . please, call no later than 9:00 a.m . homework requests con then be picked up at the parent pick – up box in the reception between 1:30  – 2:30 p.m
  • When you know of an absence an a forthcoming date , arrangements are to be made in advance by notifying the school , your child should get a prearranged absence sheet from the Office by presenting a note from you , that explains the reason for the upcoming absence and the dates of the planned absence . This prearranged absence sheet should be given to all his / her teachers so that necessary work and assignments con be explained you do not need to send another note from home explaining the absence

What should you do if your child is late?

Tardiness to school will occur once in awhile, but should be avoided whenever possible. if your child is late, he /she should report to the headmaster’s office, with a written note from you explaining the reason for being tardy in order to be given an admit slip

Unexcused tardy letter will be given to those who do not have a note from apparent to be signed


What should you do if your child must leave school during the day?

Regular school hours, he she must report to the headmaster’s Office with a written note from you explaining the reason for early departure

You must pick your child up in the reception and sign a checkout sheet No student may leave the building at any time of the day for any reason without having checked out in the reception first